Template Function xf::cv::addS

Function Documentation


doxygenfunction: Unable to resolve function “xf::cv::addS” with arguments (xf::cv::Mat<SRC_T, ROWS, COLS, NPC>&, unsigned char, xf::cv::Mat<SRC_T, ROWS, COLS, NPC>&) in doxygen xml output for project “vitis_common Doxygen Project” from directory: /workspace/docs_build/vitis_common/output_staging/generated/doxygen/xml. Potential matches:

- template<int POLICY_TYPE, int SRC_T, int ROWS, int COLS, int NPC = 1> void addS(xf::cv::Mat<SRC_T, ROWS, COLS, NPC> &_src1, unsigned char _scl[XF_CHANNELS(SRC_T, NPC)], xf::cv::Mat<SRC_T, ROWS, COLS, NPC> &_dst)